With all the activity last year, news of some school’s THF-supported arts workshops could not be fitted into our newsletters – so here is the final round up! By coincidence, all three schools selected one of Daisi’s “Ready to Go” workshops, and coincidentally, each chose Monica Shanta as their Daisi-registered artist to lead their chosen workshop.
Ashburton invited Monica to work with their Year 4 pupils on Expressing Emotions through Art. They had a very absorbing and interesting day. The school said, “Thank you again THF for this amazing opportunity!”

The enthusiastic children wrote: “Thank you so much! It was the number one best school day ever. It was so much fun with every second of the day.” Freya
“I loved it when my table worked as a team and did the painting. I wish we could do this again - so much fun!” Paula
“Thank you for letting us have a magnificent day. I found the afternoon painting really fun and loved adding the details.” Jasper

Bearnes invited Monica to work with Sycamore class (Y3/4) on Expressing Emotions through Art. This was a very successful workshop with the youngsters clearly engaging with the demanding subject matter.

After the workshop, the school wrote:
“We have been so lucky to have Monica Shanta take a workshop on ‘Drawing Conversations’ with Sycamore Class. Monica took us through a creative journey learning about making marks using the body and music as inspiration. We drew conversations pairing emotions with colour and then worked on a large scale to share our responses. We are very grateful to The Helen Foundation for funding this event and giving our children such a wonderful experience!”

The children wrote about the workshop and Monica the artist:
“It was the best day ever. Thank you for coming to us. I hope you had a lovely day. You are the best art teacher ever. I hope you come again”. Alice
“My favorite thing was making a big painting and we got to move to other people's tables. I like getting messy - that's all part of being an artist. Thank you!” Hattie
“I found the art very fun because I liked all the colours in the painting and I liked the charcoal too, but it is very messy!” Jake
At Teignmouth Primary School, the staff selected Monica to lead the workshop with Year 3 on drawing and shading.

The school wrote afterwards:
"The sessions focused on exploring perspective and tone in drawing, using pastels, chalks and charcoal. It nicely complemented recent learning completed by the class on one-point perspective. The children loved the workshop and the chance to experience the skills and knowledge of such a talented artist and teacher. We are all very thankful to Monica-Shanta for her artistry and to The Helen Foundation who financially supported this workshop to give the children a wonderful opportunity."

The children wrote:
“I liked doing the paper shapes and then we drew them. I think the shading was difficult. I learned how to use black and white shading. Thank you, Monica!” Jodie
“Today I liked when I was using the black and white pastels.” Ash
“I learned how to use tone. But I didn't like drawing the shapes.” Ollie