Charlotte Perkins , a teacher at Chudleigh Knighton writes:
"Year 2 & 3 pupils at Chudleigh Knighton CofE Primary School hosted a visit from local artist, Helen Plant, on Friday 19th April to take part in a 'Felting Fundamentals' workshop. The workshop, which was heavily subsidised by The Helen Foundation, was co-ordinated by Daisi - a leading arts education charity. Children in Saddle Tor class worked with Helen to learn how to design and create colourful felt artwork. During the morning, they learnt about the stages of the wet felt-making process, preparing and layering the wool, building in details, wetting the wool down and finally fusing wool into felt to create an incredible class banner inspired by the ocean. During the afternoon, each child had the opportunity to create an individual 3D felt fish that will later embellish the banner to go on display."

"Chudleigh Knighton were also delighted to welcome Annie and Roger Kirk, trustees of The Helen Foundation, who surprised the school with a visit. They witnessed the children hard at work creating their unique 3D fishes. Class Teacher, Lucy Dennis said: “It was brilliant to see the children so inspired as they explored felt as a medium for the first time and were introduced to this contemporary textile artform. They were particularly excited to meet a professional artist and thoroughly enjoyed working with Helen during the workshop.”
Art & Design Lead, Charlotte Perkins, added: "Staff and pupils at Chudleigh Knighton Primary School would like to give special thanks to The Helen Foundation, for their generous subsidy which has enabled both the promotion of art and this wonderful opportunity for our pupils. We also extend our thanks to local artist Helen Plant and Devon-based arts charity, Daisi, for facilitating this experience."