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Children at Starcross Primary School have had a very busy week recently, taking part in an art project in collaboration with local charities The Helen Foundation and Daisi- registered artist Anna Boland. The project aim was to make three, large, colourful, fence panels to brighten up the small playground but to also make the space a little more private.

Anna Boland worked over two very full workshop days with the entire school taking part in this major project creating woven sculptures onto the chain-link fencing to reflect the new school logo and the theme of "seaside".

The children enjoyed the full experience creating the final panels; from deciding on a seaside theme, to drawing out their original designs, sourcing recycled materials, learning new skills and seeing their vision come to life once the panels were mounted in their playground.

Tara Trail, headteacher at Starcross said: “The children have worked so hard on this project and we are so grateful for The Helen Foundation funding, and DAISI for their admin support. Our pupils have loved seeing their ideas materialise into weaving and we look forward to more projects like this where all classes can work together to make something beautiful once again!”

"This wonderful, whole school, inclusive project couldn’t have taken place without the financial support from The Helen Foundation. This financially-supported workshop was facilitated by Daisi and topped up by the Starcross PTFA."

The children said:

"I thoroughly enjoyed this project in particular as it has transformed the dreary old fence to a beautiful display of what the children in our school are capable of." Fiona

"It made me happy because now no nosy people can just look in at us through the fence art."  Caris

"The workshop was fun but I felt it was a bit repetitive and it was a bit too easy. Maybe we could have been given more of a challenge." Lennie 

"Anna was super nice and I loved how it turned out." Aisha

" I learned to weave better because when I started I was shocking but now that you have taught me how to weave I can do it better." Jacob




Our Patrons:
Lady Diana, The Dowager Countess of Devon

Lord Jay of Ewelme GCMG Lady Jay (Sylvia) CBE
Baroness Floella Benjamin BDE, DL


Matt Bellamy, Dominic Howard and Chris Wolstenholme

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