Trustees of THF approved a new bursary last month to 14 year old Jack - not his real name - is a self-taught pianist, with an ambition to become a music teacher. Unfortunately, his present piano has some plastic workings and when these broke, he lost use of the bottom keys - and there are no spares available.
As his mother faces substantial financial pressures, he applied to THF for a replacement as he is passionate about his music. At school, he works with the school's junior choir and recently accompanied them in Exeter Cathedral on an outreach programme, to try to encourage younger children into music.
His music teacher wrote in support: "Jack has made an outstanding contribution to music at the school. This has included playing pano in all formal concerts over the past two years. Recently, he has shown real aptitude for composition that involved developing new skills that push boundaries by experimenting with new and challenging instruments. He's is a very musical young man who, with the right support and encouragement, deserves to succeed in all areas of music.
We wish Jack every success with his bright future in music!